
Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?

The current English Bible Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?comprises 66 books, each with distinct sections, all written under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit by various individuals, including prophets, shepherds, and nobility. Despite its inclusion, there are other books that didn’t make it into the Bible, and one of them is the Book of Enoch. This book has always been veiled in mystery and faced skepticism from religious scholars and congregants.

Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?

Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?
Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?

The Book of Enoch is considered a pseud epigraphical work, not part of the biblical canon. The sole complete version available is an Ethiopic translation of a previous Greek translation made in Palestine. It contains apocalyptic accounts, visions, and revelations about the end times, with five sections covering topics such as fallen angels, Nephilim (giants), the great flood’s reasons, astronomy, and prophecies. Some themes may sound familiar, resembling the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. However, while Revelation was accepted into the Bible, the Book of Enoch was not.

The main reason for the Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?Book of Enoch’s exclusion from the Bible is that Enoch did not author it. Scholars agree it is a compilation of texts from various authors, likely composed between 300 B.C. and 100 A.D., thousands of years after Enoch’s era. His name was likely used to attract attention and promote certain social viewpoints. Furthermore, the book lacks the characteristics of divine inspiration, leading religious scholars and communities to reject it.

Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?
Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?

The Book of Enoch does not align with biblical teachings; its purpose wasn’t to convey biblical truths but to discuss controversial topics within the Jewish community. Jews and Christians both rejected it for different reasons, and most Christian denominations, including Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant churches, do not consider it part of their canonical scriptures.

While reading the Book of Enoch as a literary work is acceptable, one should approach it with discernment, considering the reservations of various religious groups. It presents difficulties in understanding, laden with symbolism and mystery, making it distinct from the inspired and reliable Holy Scriptures found in the Bible.

There are several hidden dangers in the Book of Enoch that readers should be aware of:

Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?
Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?

Non-Biblical Teachings: While the Book of Enoch shares some common themes with the Bible, it also introduces teachings and ideas that are not found in the canonical scriptures. These non-biblical teachings can lead readers astray from the true message of the Bible.

Inaccurate Interpretations: The Book of Enoch takes liberties with interpreting other parts of scripture, often diverging from the accepted interpretations found in the Bible. This can result in misinterpretations and misunderstandings of biblical truths.

Inconsistent with Jude: The Book of Enoch’s content contradicts the book of Jude, which is a canonical scripture in the Bible. This inconsistency raises questions about the book’s accuracy and reliability.

Lack of Endorsement: The Book of Enoch does not have any references to the book of Jude, even though it is claimed to have been written by Enoch himself. This lack of endorsement casts doubts on the book’s authenticity.

Potential for Confusion: Reading the Book of Enoch alongside the Bible without discernment can lead to confusion and mixing of non-canonical ideas with biblical truths.


In conclusion, Why stay away from the Book of Enoch may pique curiosity and offer intriguing narratives, it is not part of the biblical canon for valid reasons. Its lack of divine inspiration, questionable authorship, and deviation from biblical teachings make it a source of skepticism among religious scholars and communities. Moreover, Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?the book’s hidden dangers, such as non-biblical teachings and inconsistencies with canonical scriptures, underscore the importance of staying focused on the Bible as the authoritative source of truth. As believers seek to deepen their understanding of God’s word and the end times, relying on the Bible and reputable biblical resources will lead to a more sound and grounded faith.

FAQ Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?

Is the Book of Enoch considered part of the Bible?

No, the Book of Enoch is not considered part of the biblical canon. It is classified as a pseudepigraphical work, meaning it was not included in the collection of sacred texts deemed divinely inspired by most religious traditions.

Why is the Book of Enoch not part of the Bible?

The primary reasons for the exclusion of the Why stay away from the Book of Enoch? the Bible are its lack of divine inspiration, questionable authorship, and content that diverges from biblical teachings. Additionally, it does not have the endorsement of other canonical books.

Are there hidden dangers in the Book of Enoch?

Yes, there are hidden dangers in the Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?, including the introduction of non-biblical teachings, inaccurate interpretations of scripture, and inconsistencies with other canonical texts like the book of Jude.

Can I read the Book of Enoch as a Christian? Why stay away from the Book of Enoch?

While it is not prohibited to read the Book of Enoch, it is essential to approach it with discernment and be aware of its non-canonical nature. For a deeper understanding of biblical truths, focusing on daily Bible reading and study remains the best approach.

Should I use the Book of Enoch as a source for end times prophecy?

It is not advisable to rely on the Why stay away from the Book of Enoch? as a primary source for end times prophecy. Instead, the Bible itself, particularly the books of Jude and Revelation, should be the foundation for understanding eschatological teachings.

Are there other historical texts or commentaries I can use to complement my Bible study?

Yes, Why stay away from the Book of Enoch? there are many reputable biblical commentaries, historical texts, and scholarly works available to complement your Bible study. Consulting these resources, alongside daily Bible reading, can provide valuable insights into the context and interpretations of biblical passages.


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